Longjoin is lead-free

Operator doing hearing test in hearing chamber.

Operator inspecting PCBA with AOI.
Quality Control Methodology
Longjoin make use of a number of quality control tools to ensure the incoming materials, process and finished goods in good quality. They are namely,
Online Self-checking
Major Inspection
End Item Inspection
Final Inspection
Traveler and Labeling
FAI (First Article Inspection)
- First articles of every shift or whenever operators change takes place
- To avoid whole lot failure
- Find out problems at the earliest stage
Triple inspection
operation's self-checking
Line foreman's checking
Inspector's inspection
Online Self-checking
- Operators check their own our works from time to time during productions
- Find out problems at the earliest stage
- Help operators better understand the standards
Major Inspection
- For some major inspection items, 100% full check will be applied
- Major inspection items - potential failures causing impact to safety, function and assembly structure
- Dedicated inspectors or fixtures would be used
IPQC (In-Process Quality Control)
- In production random check
- To find out problems caused by operators, machines, tools and process
- Indentify problems at the operation level
End Item Inspection
- Essential for parts made by moldings and fixtures
- Inspecting the last item of the mass production
- To ensure moldings and fixtures in good conditions after a run
- Done collaboratively by operators and inspectors
Final Inspection
- The final keeper – preventing NG from going out
- Completion of batch of F/G
- Sampling or full check
Traveler and Labeling
- Traveler to keep track of the operator, inspector, date, shift, serial number, etc.
- Various labels, categorized in different colours, to identify materials, sub-aseemblies and goods in different stages
Quality Certifications and Continuous Improvement at a Glance
Acquired ISO9001:2008, Longjoin operates fully following ISO9001 system
UL, CE, 3C
Have successfully passed UL, CE and 3C audits and qualified as UL, CE and 3C products maker
Inspection standard used is based on customer requirements and following IPC-A-610
RoHS Implementation and Control
RoHS implemented in the areas of incoming materials control, production process, facility, test and inspection
P (Plan) – planning based on customer requirement
D (Do) – do the work per the plan
C (Check) – check the goods and process per the plan
A (Act) – analyze and continuous improve
Use PDCA as a tool to monitor and solve quality issues
Quality Improvement Team
Formed to push for continous quality improvment with team members – from operators to General Manager
Statistical analysis and PDCA are useful tools